Sunday, November 4, 2007

november 2,2007.

This is I what I learn on the last Friday in our class, we finish wages and salaries and we're moving to the next lesson. the lesson is about the spreadsheet but before we start that, mr kuropatwa gave us a test paper to answer but that's not a quiz. its about the spread sheet. that test paper is about how to follow and understand the question carefully. The question in the paper is so hard and very tricky for some of us. mr kuropatwa gave us a half hour to answer the question. Then after that, mr kuropatwa show us how its work. This question is related to our next lesson because help us how to follow and understand the question spreadsheet, you just not add the number you can see there, you must understand the question first before you answer it. And that test Mr. Kuropatwa, He said read all the question after you answer, that's all I learn on the last Friday.

The next describe is Melchor

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jay!

That's great that you guys are applying your knowledge to spreadsheets. It's important in consumer math that you learn how to get around programs on the computer such as excel. Mr. K is right in that it is important to read the question through carefully before answering. Even here in University I often jump right into a question before fully understanding what it is I am to do. Next time I am about to write a test I will think of your post and read the questions through carefully.

Keep up the great work!

Marie Sarauer
University of Regina